Fylgja, carrier of ancient memories.

The Norse concept of a fetch, or fylgja, is a supernatural being or spirit that is closely connected to a person’s fate or destiny. It is often described as an animal, but it can also take on other forms, such as a human or a natural object. The fetch is said to be able to shapeshift, and it can appear to the person it is associated with in dreams or visions.

My fetch revealed itself to me at the age of ten, as the caracal and a star of Rigel. It has consequently been the guiding influence of my life, sometimes visible and sometimes hidden, but always somewhere in the background. I am now seeing the caracal as my fetch, and I interpret the fetch to be similar to the astral body that maintains its integrated integrity across many lifetimes.

This is the most ancient access I have to direct experience across many lives. The point of illuminationis : We do not “remember” past lives with normal memory, but we connect to this veiled memory through the fetch. This phantom never forgets and ever guides the soul forward, protecting and nurturing the body while keeping the integrity and harmony of the soul.

I might seek through NOD new ways of connecting and listening to my fetch. All is held together, and all is directed by my fetch informing every experience of the present moment and providing it with a deeper context.

What a wonderful discovery, that there is access to ancient past experiences and to have the possibility to interact with past existences of myself!.

The caracal has always been a symbol of survival, charity, affairs, independence, and fearlessness of darkness. It is a creature that patiently waits to stalk its prey, ever aware of its surroundings, seldom seen by others. Some people claim to see the fetch only at the end of life, but for me, the fetch has been a consistent presence throughout my life.

Rigel is a bright star associated with Odin, the Norse god of wisdom and magic. This suggests that my fetch is a powerful and wise being that can guide me through the darkness and help me to achieve your goals.

©Jurgens Pieterse, 2023, All rights reserved.

Rune Alchemy

The practice of the runes are also a form of spiritual alchemy. After picking up the runes Odin’s words are: “I begin to increase be wise, grow and feel well”.

When we form a postures a chemical change is already taking place. Accentuated by Galdr or the intonations of different sounds, the energy flows through the body to stimulate the chemistry of the body. Rune postures are not a mere positions; it is a process of inner alchemy triggered by the runes individually but further exemplified when done in sequence.

Consistent practice shapes and strengthens us mentally and physically to express an inner strength and integrity that fortifies the soul of man.

Starting with the physical body as a vehicle of the energy transformation that causes the transmutation of coarse energy to a refined more poor energy that feeds and strengthens the inner man. During the process memories and associations first fixed in the body and then spun into mental energy. This transformative process brings a sense of calm and peace. Self-control and emotional balance is the outcome of the alchemical process that is most visible; and testimony of the inner change taking place as refined energy is absorbed by the soul.

The higher awareness or master-within then manifest itself as a tangible and super intelligent force that can provide counsel and guidance even in mundane matters. However its highest aim is the process of individualisation leading to integration into a pool of higher collective consciousness.

© Jurgens Pieterse, 2023, All rights reserved.

What is spirituality?

Spirituality is a personal subjective unified experience of an overarching reality, which transcends the objective sense experience and rational reasoning of a material world, that provides the individual with a sense of living a meaningful and purposeful life.

Personal: Spirituality is a personal experience, meaning that it is unique to each individual. There is no one right way to be spiritual.

Subjective: Spirituality is a subjective experience, meaning that it is based on individual feelings and perceptions. There is no objective way to measure spirituality.

Unified: Spirituality is a unified experience, meaning that it connects all aspects of an individual’s life, including their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Overarching reality: Spirituality is concerned with an overarching reality that transcends the material world. This reality may be referred to as God, the universe, or something else entirely.

Transcendence of objective sense experience and rational reasoning: Spirituality goes beyond what can be perceived through the senses and reasoned about intellectually.

Sense of living a meaningful and purposeful life: Spirituality provides individuals with a sense of meaning and purpose in life. It helps them to understand their place in the world and to live a life that is aligned with their values.

© Jurgens Pieterse, 2023, All rights reserved.

A Dedication to Life, Virtue, and Beauty

I relax into the moment of silence, my shoulders drop, my breath slows down. I relax all my muscles and let go of any tension. I flow into the present moment with the sacred awareness of living. Every cell from my body and every thought of my mind opening up to be rejuvenated and purified. Gratitude fills me as I feel the vital life force pouring into my day. I dedicate this moment to life, virtue, and beauty. May these qualities ever be the adornments that characterize my being and my life.

In this moment, a silent prayer starts from my lips as a murmur too beg the self to be shaped by the best notions of good, kindness, and strength. I am feeling this inner desire stir like a sleeping giant, wanting to wake up. My destiny is to be the best I can be until the very end of this life. I can and will focus my mind and body on the best expression of self; eagerly urging myself to express the best quality possible through my life. I honor my existence by showing up and being present with gratitude in the moment and aware of my conscious being.

I send love to all the people I know and pray that they too may be recipients of goodness and kindness wherever they go. My being radiates outwards in the hope that those whom I love will all feel rejuvenated in this moment and that through the mystical interconnectedness of everything, we will be connected and aware of the bonds of love that holds us together as a collective consciousness.

© Jurgens Pieterse, 2023, All rights reserved.

Mystical musing

My focus last night was on the runes, and I’m more aware than ever of the need to incorporate their wisdom into my life as guiding principles to live by. I’m taking a new look at my own interpretation, discovering what the runes means to me and how I can apply those insights into my life.

I have a desire to have a 9-day retreat to focus on the runes and deepening my connection with them. I’m going deeper to connect with the inner Runemaster and to understand what meaning each rune embodies. I’m taking every possible opportunity to bring my life and constitution in line with natural and spiritual law.

When I was young, my questions for knowledge were driven by a desire to master life. As I matured, it became an attempt to produce some legacy that could be left behind. Now, it is just a process of discovering more before time catches up with me and the hope to glimpse more of this extraordinary world beyond normal perception.

I value life and the window of opportunity to deep-dive into esoteric knowledge gained by awareness and experience. The challenge is to bring something of it back into the actual realm of existence. We can bring order and joy into life so that we are no longer victims of entropy, but can find order and peace within the cycle of life.

© Jurgens Pieterse, 2023, All rights reserved.