Fylgja, carrier of ancient memories.

The Norse concept of a fetch, or fylgja, is a supernatural being or spirit that is closely connected to a person’s fate or destiny. It is often described as an animal, but it can also take on other forms, such as a human or a natural object. The fetch is said to be able to shapeshift, and it can appear to the person it is associated with in dreams or visions.

My fetch revealed itself to me at the age of ten, as the caracal and a star of Rigel. It has consequently been the guiding influence of my life, sometimes visible and sometimes hidden, but always somewhere in the background. I am now seeing the caracal as my fetch, and I interpret the fetch to be similar to the astral body that maintains its integrated integrity across many lifetimes.

This is the most ancient access I have to direct experience across many lives. The point of illuminationis : We do not “remember” past lives with normal memory, but we connect to this veiled memory through the fetch. This phantom never forgets and ever guides the soul forward, protecting and nurturing the body while keeping the integrity and harmony of the soul.

I might seek through NOD new ways of connecting and listening to my fetch. All is held together, and all is directed by my fetch informing every experience of the present moment and providing it with a deeper context.

What a wonderful discovery, that there is access to ancient past experiences and to have the possibility to interact with past existences of myself!.

The caracal has always been a symbol of survival, charity, affairs, independence, and fearlessness of darkness. It is a creature that patiently waits to stalk its prey, ever aware of its surroundings, seldom seen by others. Some people claim to see the fetch only at the end of life, but for me, the fetch has been a consistent presence throughout my life.

Rigel is a bright star associated with Odin, the Norse god of wisdom and magic. This suggests that my fetch is a powerful and wise being that can guide me through the darkness and help me to achieve your goals.

©Jurgens Pieterse, 2023, All rights reserved.

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