A Dedication to Life, Virtue, and Beauty

I relax into the moment of silence, my shoulders drop, my breath slows down. I relax all my muscles and let go of any tension. I flow into the present moment with the sacred awareness of living. Every cell from my body and every thought of my mind opening up to be rejuvenated and purified. Gratitude fills me as I feel the vital life force pouring into my day. I dedicate this moment to life, virtue, and beauty. May these qualities ever be the adornments that characterize my being and my life.

In this moment, a silent prayer starts from my lips as a murmur too beg the self to be shaped by the best notions of good, kindness, and strength. I am feeling this inner desire stir like a sleeping giant, wanting to wake up. My destiny is to be the best I can be until the very end of this life. I can and will focus my mind and body on the best expression of self; eagerly urging myself to express the best quality possible through my life. I honor my existence by showing up and being present with gratitude in the moment and aware of my conscious being.

I send love to all the people I know and pray that they too may be recipients of goodness and kindness wherever they go. My being radiates outwards in the hope that those whom I love will all feel rejuvenated in this moment and that through the mystical interconnectedness of everything, we will be connected and aware of the bonds of love that holds us together as a collective consciousness.

© Jurgens Pieterse, 2023, All rights reserved.

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