Gassho Meditation

Gassho Meditation: A Simple and Effective Technique for Mindfulness Cultivation

Gassho meditation, literally translated as “two hands coming together,” is a posture and practice that can be readily integrated into various mindfulness training programs.  While lesser-known in broader meditation circles, it offers a powerful yet accessible method for cultivating focus, inner peace, and heightened awareness.

The Gassho posture involves bringing the hands together at the heart center with palms gently touching. The thumbs may rest lightly on each other or remain separate, and fingertips typically point upwards. Practitioners often focus on the subtle sensation of the middle fingers meeting while maintaining awareness of the breath. Eyes are typically closed to facilitate inward focus.

Beyond its connection to Reiki, Gassho meditation offers numerous benefits for practitioners of all levels. The closed hand position can promote a sense of containment and focus, fostering relaxation and calming the mind. Additionally, this practice can enhance awareness of subtle energy flow within the body.

The Gassho posture offers room for exploration. Practitioners may experiment with different hand placements, such as bringing the thumbs together or creating a slight opening between the middle fingers.  These variations can be explored to find what resonates most with the individual.
For Reiki practitioners, Gassho meditation holds particular significance. Performing Gassho before and after sessions serves to connect with the universal healing energy and prepare both mind and body for the practice.

Gassho meditation’s simplicity and effectiveness make it a valuable tool for anyone seeking to deepen their mindfulness practice. By quieting the mind and promoting inner peace, this practice can serve as a cornerstone for fostering well-being and personal growth.

© Jurgens Pieterse. All rights reserved. 2024.

Full moon gratitude list for April

On this full moon, reflecting on the blessings since the last new moon:

For adventures that broaden my world: My trip to Brazil opened my eyes to new cultures and deepened my understanding of humanity.

For a team that empowers me: I’m grateful for each member of my work team, their reliability, and the knowledge I gain from them.

For the heart-melting joy of grandchildren: Having them visit filled our home with laughter and unforgettable moments.

For a wife who inspires me: I admire my wife’s strength and resourcefulness in adapting to a quieter space.

For connecting with loved ones: The lunch with my son and daughter was a cherished time to share life experiences.

For creating a sanctuary of peace: Incorporating Feng Shui principles made my meditation room a haven of tranquility.

Under the full moon’s radiant glow, I offer heartfelt thanks for these gifts, big and small. May my gratitude continue to blossom and my heart overflow with joy.

On the Threshold of Being: Existence in essence.

Today, I embark on a sacred pilgrimage inwards, towards the hidden chamber of the Ich, the core of my being. This journey, I hope, will lead me to a state of unification, a point of confluence where self and higher self embrace.

As I journey deeper, I witness a magnificent exchange of energy, a symphony of light within the very essence of my existence. Like a curious child perched on the edge of a wise gathering, I observe the subtle dance between the known self and the unknown divine.

But who is this observer that arises within me? Who is the child gazing upon the observer? This question, never contemplated before, hangs heavy in the air, a riddle whispered on the wind.

It feels like an inner monad of innocence, untouched by the world’s harsh wisdom yet separate from the ego’s worldly attachments. This presence, a facet of self, yearns for the guidance of the higher self, yet possesses a radiant wisdom of its own.

Is this the innocent child of being, residing eternally in the present moment, bathed only in love? Untainted by the world, it exists in its purest form, untouched by the grasping tendrils of the ego. Perhaps it is the soul, or perhaps simply a stroke of cosmic grace.

This essence, a phantom presence, is devoid of drama and physical encumbrances. It is a self-contained being, radiating a powerful light from the heart. Its awareness exists solely in the ‘now’, not seeking growth or knowledge, for it is already complete within itself.

This state of harmonious innocence, an embodiment of pure beingness, vibrates with a profound beauty. It is a reminder that wholeness lies within, an exquisite dance of presence and awareness, forever perfect in its present moment, existing in the essence of being.

© Jurgens Pieterse – All rights reserved. 2024

Blossoming into Oneness

Inward I journey, seeking the essence of myself. I open my being, a chalice ready to receive the blessings of oneness with the universal intelligence. Bathed in the present moment, I am fully aware, absorbing the nurturing essence of the cosmos. With grateful heart, I acknowledge the abundance – the safety, food, and water that sustain me. My spirit thrives on the symphony of wisdom that resonates from the universe.

Suspended between the divine within and the divine without, a genuine smile graces my lips. Unconditional love blossoms in my heart, its source the very core of my being. From this center, my strength flows freely, a wellspring of knowledge and purposeful action.

For a breath of eternity, I am liberated from worldly demands, free to focus and float in the knowing of this truth. Worthy and purposeful, I embrace the peace that lies in simply being, not doing. All around, the universe vibrates in its rhythmic dance. Though cycles may repeat, I choose to ascend, a spiral reaching ever upwards, evolving and growing. I experience a glimpse of transcending the endless wheel of recurrence.

Returning to myself, I am emboldened by renewed strength. The magnificence of the universe unfolds before me. My heart, like a radiant flower, blossoms with strength and compassion. My prayer, a melody of purposeful beauty, rises to the cosmos. The integrity of my being grants me the power to persevere. The harmony within fosters balance and equanimity.

I celebrate this heightened state of mindfulness, present not just in the realm of the material, but also in the essence of the spiritual. I feel the shift within, a blossoming from the material to the spiritual, and blessings flow towards me in an infinite stream.

~  A Delicate Dance: Where Logic Meets Zen ~

This morning, dawn’s gentle nudge awakened me, not just to the day, but to a recurring theme in my life: balance. It’s a captivating waltz, this interplay of logic and Zen, playing out in both my financial realm and physical being.

The financial arena, often portrayed as a chaotic jungle, surprises me with its hidden harmony. Money pirouettes, flowing in from one source, then gracefully twirling away to meet a need. But worry not, it always returns, a testament to living in sync with my values and aspirations. When my focus aligns with what truly matters, the financial dance seems to follow suit.

Beyond the realm of coin and commerce, I find myself drawn to the earth’s grounding embrace. Barefoot walks awaken a primal connection, while sun salutations energize me with the sun’s golden touch. These practices are more than mere exercise; they’re a balancing act, harmonizing my physical and emotional energies, leaving me feeling centered and anchored to the very planet beneath my feet.

As I ponder these seemingly disparate spheres, a beautiful connection emerges. Financial stability grants me the freedom to explore my physical and emotional well-being. Conversely, a balanced mind and body empower me to make sound financial decisions. It’s a captivating tango, logic and intuition intertwining to create a harmonious flow.

Suze Orman’s wisdom echoes: “Money is but a tool; its true value lies in how we wield it.” When used wisely and ethically, it becomes an instrument for crafting a life that sings in perfect harmony.

My journey towards balance continues, and with each step, I gather invaluable insights. As I remain steadfast in my values and goals, I know this dance will lead me to a life brimming with fulfillment and graceful balance.

© Jurgens Pieterse. All rights reserved. 2023